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Children mix science and candy at library

Friday, May 19, 2017


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Children felt the inside of their marshmallows to see how sticky they were and to see if they could make them not sticky for the Sweet Science program at the Poland library.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Poland librarian, Annette Ahrens, and the children tried to make Starbursts candies float in water during the Sweet Science program at the Poland library on April 13.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.The children at the Sweet Science program at the Poland library on April 13 talked about what they thought would happen during different experiments.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.The final experiment during the Sweet Science program at the Poland library was dropping Mentos and jelly beans in a bottle of Diet Coke to see what what create the most fizz.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Children watched as Annette Ahrens put different candies into Diet Coke to see which would fizz the most during the Sweet Science program at the Poland library on April 13.


Children performed science experiments with sweets at the Poland library on April 13.

Poland librarian Annette Ahrens set up her stations as the children waited in anticipation of what was going to happen. Sour, sweet, soft and hard candies were used in the experiments.

Ahrens started out the program with sour candies and placing them in three cups containing clear soda, water and corn syrup. The experiment was conducted to see how fast the candy would dissolve in each cup. The children had to guess what would happen to the candies in each experiment.

Everyone was required to go outside for the last experiment, which consisted of using a roll of Mentos, a bag of Nerds jelly beans and two 2-litres of Diet Coke. The children took a step back and watched as the Mentos were poured into the Diet Coke and the carbonation caused the Diet Coke to shoot several feet into the air. Before the jelly beans were poured in the bottle, the children had to guess what candy would make the Diet Coke fizz the most; many of them guessed the jelly beans. Although the jelly beans made the Diet Coke fizz, the Mentos made the Diet Coke shoot higher.

All of the children went home with a packet of all of the experiments they did that consisted of instructions on how to do the experiment, what should happen and why it happened.

The program showed how science happens every day and that it can be fun to learn.