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Potential Development's students on autism spectrum display their artistic talents today

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Friends and family came in droves to the Potential Development elementary/middle school to view the exhibition art show of students.

Students show art projects they completed throughout the academic year, ranging from written works and crafts to painting and coloring. The theme this year was the rainforest, including the different animals living in it.

Potential Development provides a charter school for children on the autism spectrum, with 160 students from preschool to high school enrolled in buildings in Youngstown and Howland.

Paul Garchar, executive director, said the art show at the West Woodland Avenue building is similar to ones in public schools that give students the chance to display their works at the end of the school year.

Children under the autism spectrum have a difficult time verbally expressing themselves, but Garchar said most have an easier time through artistic expression.

“This gives them a chance to show off their hard work,” he said.

Read more about today's show in Thursday's Vindicator or on