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Critics, fans bash ‘Iron Fist’

Friday, March 24, 2017

By Frazier Moore

AP Television Writer


If your web connection seems sluggish while you’re watching “Iron Fist,” don’t blame your internet provider. The problem is the listless pace of this new Netflix series.

But such languor isn’t the only failing of this latest offering from the Marvel factory, judging from critical pans and fan unrest since the 13-episode season was unveiled last week.

Any Marvel project (and this is Netflix’s fourth, following “Daredevil,” “Jessica Jones” and “Luke Cage”) is breathlessly awaited by fans. “Iron Fist” was no different. But even before anybody saw it, it was already drawing accusations of “whitewashing.”

The series centers on Danny Rand, the scion of a corporate titan who returns to New York with mystical powers.

“Iron Fist” stars Finn Jones, who is best known for playing Loras Tyrell on “Game of Thrones.” But casting him as Danny was a missed opportunity, according to disgruntled fans who argue that an Asian-American actor should have been chosen.

Maybe, maybe not. But that would seem to be the least of the ills plaguing “Iron Fist.”

“Not one element of this plodding piece works,” railed Variety, adding that the story line “is about as exciting as a slice of Velveeta cheese left out in the sun too long.” The New York Times complained about “the dawdling featureless” of the early episodes.