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Just one parent attends community input meeting for Youngstown City Schools

Monday, March 20, 2017


Only one district parent was among about 20 educators for the first of Youngstown City Schools CEO Krish Mohip’s three community input meetings.

Also, no board of education members were in attendance Monday evening at Choffin Career and Technical Center.

They missed out on discussion of possible big changes to district buildings and the school calendar.

But there will be another meeting at 5:30 p.m. today at East High School, 474 Bennington Ave., and at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at Chaney High School, 731 S. Hazelwood Ave.

Mohip did not let the turnout for the first session get him down.

“I’m excited,” he said. “Obviously I was hoping for a larger crowd, but, honestly, any input would help.”

Joe Nohra, district chief of operations, said Mohip has the best intentions with the meetings.

Mohip “sincerely wants to hear from the parents and listen to what they have to say,” Nohra said.