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TRUMP LIVE | An unstoppable, faithful and well-armed America

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

VIDEO: Trump merchandise still going strong

PHOTO: Your ALL-DAY photo gallery. Inside and outside Covelli Centre and in and around #Youngstown and #Struthers as #Trump fun begins for tonight's appearance.

REPORTING: Your ALL-DAY Vindy writers below:


TUES, 8:11 p.m.

President Donald Trump is about to depart the Covelli Center after a rousing speech about making America unstoppable, faithful and well-armed.

“We cannot fail,” he said. “We will make America strong again, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America proud again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again!”


TUES, 8:07 p.m.

President Donald Trump says “If I get what I want, it will be the single biggest tax cut in American history.”

It’s time to let Americans keep more of their own money, he said to applause from Covelli Centre faithful.

“We want millions of Americans to be lifted from welfare to work, and from dependence to independence.”


TUES, 8:00 p.m.

President Donald Trump at Covelli Centre said American cities should be sanctuaries for law abiding citizens, not for criminals and gang members “that we want the hell out of our country.”

The Trump Administration has the backs of law enforcement and border patrol agents, he said.

“We are going to get criminals off our streets and we are going to make America safe again. We also strongly believe that our borders must always be closed to terrorism and extremism. We don’;t want radical Islamic terrorists in our country.”


TUES, 7:55 p.m.

President Donald Trump says manufacturing enthusiasm in the United States is at “an all-time high.”

He said the jobs, the dreams and “our sovereignty as a nation” are all going back.

The Covelli Centre crowd again erupted with chants of “USA, USA, USA!”

Along those lines he said illegal immigration has been cut by 78 percent.

“Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall!” The people responded.

Trump said repairs already are being made to the existing US-Mexico border.

“Nobody’s coming any more because they know they can’t get through our Southern border! Never again will America surrender the security of our people.”


TUES, 7:46 p.m.

President Donald Trump says we need to make a great deal with Mexico and Canada or “we will terminate NAFTA and we will start all over again.”

“We no longer be the foolish people, we will no longer be the stupid people” who get left behind by politicians who don’t know what they’re doing, he said.

“We will never again sacrifice Ohio jobs or any jobs from any other state in our union,” he pledged.

The Covelli Centre crowd responded: “USA, USA, USA.”


TUES, 7:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump says no president has ever done what he’s accomplished in his first six months.

“Not even close.”

He said no one wants to write about it, touting job creation and falling unemployment.


TUES, 7:40 p.m.

President Donald Trump says “the jobs are coming back.”

“Don’t sell your house!” he told the Covelli Centre crowd. “We’re gonna get those values up,” rebuild factories or tear them down and build them anew.


TUES, 7:35 p.m.

President Donald Trump reached into the Covelli Center crowd and made a local guy a celebrity.

He singled out Geno DiFabio of Youngstown, and called him to the stage. “This guy’s got something, he’s the real deal … Every one of these people love you, sir.”

He noted the crowd that Trump can draw in the Democratic stronghold of the Mahoning Valley.


TUES, 7:25 p.m.

President Donald Trump put America, God and guns at the forefront of his appearance in Youngstown.

The President wasted no time taking on the media during his arena appearance in Youngstown, saying it’s been a “tough week” as he “forced” the press to follow him around and meet people and see how they support him in the heartland.

He said “we believe in freedom, self-government and individual rights,” and defend the Second Amendment, right to bear arms.

“Finally we believe family and faith, not government and bureaucracy, are the foundation of our society.”

“In America, we don’t worship government. We worship God.”

Trump said he’s thrilled to be “with the incredible men and women of Youngstown.”

He discussed work toward repeal the “Obamacare nightmare,” the Affordable Care Act, pledging great health care for Americans.

“And now tonight I am back in the center of the American heartland,” he said to applause and chants of “drain the swamp, drain the swamp” in Washington.

“Boy oh boy, what people. Is there any place that’s more fun and safer than a Trump rally?” He asked.

His wife is loving the state.

“Hello, Ohio,” Melania Trump said. “This state means so much to us. We have been here many times.”

“Last fall we defied the odds and reclaimed this country,” she said, lauding her husband’s fight in matters of security, fortune and opportunity. “Washington has fought him every step of the way, but I know my husband and he will never give up.”


TUES, 7:17 p.m.

President Donald Trump said he’s thrilled to be “with the incredible men and women of Youngstown.”

His wife is loving the state.

“Hello, Ohio,” Melania Trump said. “This state means so much to us. We have been here many times.”

“Last fall we defied the odds and reclaimed this country,” she said, lauding her husband’s fight in matters of security, fortune and opportunity. “Washington has fought him every step of the way, but I know my husband and he will never give up.”


TUES, 7:11 p.m.

President Donald Trump is inside the Covelli Centre and taking the stage with his wife, Melania.


TUES 6:58 p.m.

President Trump is arriving at the Covelli Centre in downtown Youngstown to a maximum capacity crowd.


TUES, 6:30 p.m.

President Trump is addressing supportive veterans at Struthers AMVETS post. It’s a small and select crowd. He discussed trade deals and high points for the stock market, and said the North American Free Trade Act has “been a disaster for Youngstown.”

He also said “clean coal” is coming back. “We love clean coal,” he said.

“Your stories are America’s stories and your names are the names of true American heroes.” He honored Robert M. Bishop in the audience, a gunner 76 years ago on the USS Tennessee in Pearl Harbor. He was below deck at his battle station “for four excruciating hours of fire and hell.” He served on the Tennessee for another 4.5 years.

He will move to a full house at the Covelli Centre in downtown Youngstown next.

“To all the veterans with us this evening, we’re here to honor you …,” Trump said.


TUES, 5:42 p.m.

Air Force One has landed at the Youngstown Air Reserve Station in Trumbull County.

First Lady Melania Trump accompanied the President and his entourage. The President and his wife emerged from the plane at 5:40 p.m. Mrs. Trump is wearing a pink and white sleeveless dress, while the Trump is in a dark suit with a blue tie. They exchanged pleasantries with base personnel and some local officials before getting into a limousine.


TUES, 4:20 p.m.

The Covelli Centre is just about filled up. The doors opened at 3:45 p.m., and the ground floor section was filled up first. The arena's capacity is 7,000.

TUES, 4 p.m.

Struthers AMVETS is thrilled to host

People are now going through security to enter AMVETS post 44, 305 Elm Street, in anticipation of President Donald Trump's visit.

Trump is expected to visit with about 150 military veterans in Struthers before his rally in Youngstown at the Covelli Centre. A presidential handler said Trump will speak "for 45 minutes to an hour" in Struthers -- depending on how he's feeling.

The area surrounding the AMVETS post is closed to traffic, but some neighbors are keeping lookout for the president from their porches.

As the President is still in Washington, having concluded a speech at the White House, security in Struthers has been informed that Trump's appearance will be delayed by about 45 minutes to 6:45 p.m.

He was to be at Covelli at 7 so he will run late.

Doors to Covelli opened early, a bit before 4 p.m., to admit the growing crowd. Capacity is 7.000 but crowd size is estimated to exceed, if not double, that number.


TUES, 1:48 p.m.

"News media won't let this election stop"

Dotted along the Covelli Centre area today — among the crowds for tonight’s President Trump appearance — are vendors selling all sorts of President Trump merchandise.

One person is David Dickson, of Florida, who has traveled around the country selling Trump merchandise.

Usually, he said, once someone is put in office, the vending usually stops until the next election cycle.

Not in President Donald Trump's case, he said.

“The news media will not less this election stop.”

He travels the country still, and finds most of the crowds the same.

Dickson has his merchandise tent set up on Front Street, outside the Covelli Centre, where Trump will appear this evening.

The Youngstown Police Department asked several vendors without permits to take down tents along Front Street.

Multiple vendors are selling hats and T-shirts supporting President Donald J. Trump in anticipation of his rally at the Covelli Centre tonight at 7 p.m. Doors open at 4 p.m.

At least two vendors have taken down their tents after police said they would remove them. Others who have permits are still in business.


TUES, 10:18 a.m.

Many Vets will join Trump in Struthers first

President Donald Trump is planning to visit with veterans in Struthers before his 7 p.m. rally in Youngstown at the Covelli Centre.

The stop at AMVETS Post 44 is part of the White House’s “American Heroes Week.”

The president will be joined by Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, two members of his cabinet who are veterans, and Veterans Administration Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, a White House spokesperson said.

Struthers Mayor Terry Stocker said drivers can expect traffic restrictions in the city, though he declined to give specifics for security reasons.

The city’s safety forces had a meeting today to prepare, Stocker said.

Stocker, an Army veteran, has an invitation to the event in the city. The mayor says he’d like to talk with the president about federal support for infrastructure and economic development.

“We’re really overwhelmed by him coming here.” said Stocker, a Democrat. “We’re really encouraged by that. ... We’re hopeful that he walks away with a good feeling about this area. This will be a day to remember for every citizen in our community.”


Tues, 11:22 a.m.

Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper said President Donald J. Trump made big promises on the campaign trail but has only delivered chaos and campaign rallies.

The chairman held a press conference on the city's North Side ahead of the president's rally at the Covelli Centre tonight.

Mahoning County Democratic Party Chairman David Betras and Youngstown Democratic Mayoral Candidate Jamael "Tito" Brown joined Pepper at Northside Medical Center this morning ahead of an expected health care vote today in the U.S. Senate.

Potential cuts to Medicaid were among broken campaign promises Pepper listed alongside labeling China a currency manipulator and creating better jobs, infrastructure and health care. People want results, Pepper said.

"The last thing people want to see is a rally, as if a campaign is still going on," he said.

"If there's one thing Youngstown doesn't need, it's another politician making promises they won't keep," Brown said.

Trump has failed to curtail trade agreements that have devastated the Mahoning Valley, Betras argued.

He noted that the president lost Mahoning County and asked him to stop using the area "as a backdrop to make himself feel better."

"Talk is cheap; tweets are cheap," Betras said. "[Youngstown] isn't cheap. We know a liar when we see one."

The local Democratic Party plans to have a rally protesting President Trump's visit at 5:30 p.m. tonight in Youngstown's central square protesting President Trump's visit.



By David Skolnick


President Donald Trump isn’t likely to start his 7 p.m. rally today at the Covelli Centre on time, but if you’re going to the event, you probably want to get there early.

That’s because more than 20,000 reservations for the rally have been received by the Trump campaign, according to Youngstown police.

The center’s maximum capacity is 7,000 people for this event.

Not everyone who made a reservation is going to come to the event. But there almost certainly will be a capacity crowd at the rally.

The doors to the center open at 4 p.m.

People are likely to start lining up outside the center about 2 p.m., said Michael McGiffin, director of downtown events and citywide special projects.

“It’s first-come, first-served at the Covelli Centre, so people will be waiting in line for seats early,” he said. “A reservation does not guarantee entry.”

There also will be large-screen televisions outside the center broadcasting the speech for those who can’t get inside.

Air Force One is scheduled to land at Youngstown Air Reserve Station in Vienna at 5:20 p.m. First lady Melania Trump will accompany her husband, according to a White House schedule emailed to the press.

He is scheduled to leave the air base at 8:30 p.m. Trump will make a stop at the AMVETS Post 44, 305 Elm St., in Struthers at 6 p.m. before heading to the center for the rally.

The Struthers stop is part of Salute to American Heroes week in which the president will honor local veterans and their families.

Struthers Mayor Terry Stocker said drivers can expect traffic restrictions but declined to give specifics for security reasons.

Stocker, a Democrat, has an invitation to the city event and says it is an “honor” to have the president in his city.

Among those traveling with Trump on Monday night to the Mahoning Valley is Omarosa Manigault, a city native and the Republican president’s director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison. Manigault rose to fame on Trump’s TV show “The Apprentice.”

“I’m excited he’s bringing me with him to my hometown,” she said Monday in an exclusive interview with The Vindicator. “It’s so incredible as a daughter of Youngstown to be with the president of the United States in my hometown. Youngstown is so important to the president. He connected with the people of the Mahoning Valley at the Canfield Fair” during a Sept. 5, 2016, campaign stop.

Manigault said she expects Trump today to “be greeted warmly. It’s a traditional Trump campaign rally. This is his first time back as president. I’ve had my phone ringing off the hook with people wanting to get to this rally. The rally is a way for him to deliver a direct message to the people. He recognizes the importance of the Valley.”

She described the rally as a way to tell people how “what we do on Pennsylvania Avenue [where the White House is located] impacts Belmont Avenue,” a busy street in Youngstown and Liberty.

Also accompanying the president and Manigault to the Valley are Ryan Zinke, secretary of the interior; David Shulkin, secretary of veterans affairs; and Rick Perry, secretary of energy.

Trump lost Mahoning County in last year’s election to Democrat Hillary Clinton 49.9 percent to 46.6 percent, the best showing for a Republican in the Democratic stronghold since Richard Nixon’s victory in 1972.

Trump became the first Republican to win Trumbull County since Nixon in 1972, capturing 50.7 percent of the vote to 44.5 percent for Clinton.

Trump campaigned in the area three times during the 2016 presidential race. The Sept. 5 Canfield Fair stop was the final visit. The two others were: March 14, the day before the Republican primary, at Winner Aviation; and Aug. 15 for a policy speech on immigration at Youngstown State University.

As for the Covelli event, the Trump campaign asks people to limit personal items.

Specific items not permitted include homemade signs, banners, professional cameras with detachable lenses, tripods, monopods, selfie sticks, backpacks and large bags.

Also, Trump merchandise will be sold at the event, according to the campaign.

The campaign is paying a $30,000 rental fee to use the center.

The rally is being treated like a “sold-out” event at the center, according to Youngstown police, with southbound traffic on the South Avenue bridge, next to the facility, closed today starting at 4 p.m. and lasting until the event’s conclusion.

Other street restrictions and closures may occur.

Police also are encouraging people to avoid the east end of downtown between 3 and 9 p.m., if they’re not attending the rally.

People can park in limited spaces at the center – there’s a restricted parking area at the facility – as well as at parking lots and decks nearby, he said. All on-street parking is free after 5 p.m. today.

McGiffin said, however, when the presidential motorcade comes through there “will be some temporary street closures. It won’t be that big of a burden. It’s a rolling closure. The closure travels with the motorcade and keeps moving. I don’t expect it to last any longer than a red light.”

Also, the Mahoning County Democratic Party and other local Democratic and progressive groups will have a counter-rally from 5:30 to 7 p.m. today on the sidewalk on Central Square, Wick Avenue and West Federal Street.

The city has no plans to close streets for that rally, McGiffin said.

Downtown restaurants are expected to be busy, he said.

“We expect this will bring people into our restaurants,” McGiffin said.