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Holy Apostles Parish raising funds through comfort food

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Staff report


Though the stuffed cabbage crew at Holy Apostles Parish uses different techniques to make the ethnic food, the result is a tasty comfort food.

Mary Rose Purton, parish secretary for 18 years, said the stuffed cabbage crew volunteers are from the parish’s two sites. Sts. Peter and Paul Church, 421 Covington St., uses the Croatian recipe with tomato soup and St. Stephen of Hungary Church volunteers follow a Hungarian one with tomato juice. One method is rolling and tucking the ends of the cabbage, and the other technique is folding in the cabbage edges and rolling from one end.

“But the results are very similar and both very good,” Purton said. “The main thing is that the filling must be secure inside the cabbage leaves.”

The crews alternated work details when the parish experimented with stuffed cabbage sales from September through December last year. “The sales did very well,” she said.

Up to 125 dozen were ordered and that’s probably the maximum the crew can handle.

Purton said the Rev. Joseph Rudjak, pastor, suggested the sale as a fundraiser. It is being conducted to supplement the parish’s finances. It also sponsors Friday night bingo at Aut Mori Grotto Hall, 563 N. Belle Vista Ave.

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