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Wednesday, August 16, 2017


North-South vulnerable, West deals


xA Q 9 7 6 3

uQ 2


w10 7 5 2


xK 8 5 2 x10 4

uA 3 uK J 7

vK J 6 4 3 2 v10 8 7 5

w8 wJ 9 6 4



u10 9 8 6 5 4

vA 9

wA K Q 3

The bidding:


1v 1x Pass 2u

Pass 3u Pass 4u

All pass

Opening lead: Eight of w

Today’s deal features a lovely defense by Jan and Aida Jansma, of The Netherlands. Four hearts made at the other table after the same opening club lead. The auction was likely a bit different, as raising hearts immediately with the North hand would not be everyone’s choice.

South won the club lead, cashed the ace of diamonds, and ruffed his remaining diamond with dummy’s two of hearts. When declarer next led dummy’s queen of hearts, Aida made the key play of not covering the queen with the king. This might seem to be a foolish risk, as it would have blown a trick had partner started with the doubleton 10 of hearts, for example. From Aida’s viewpoint, however, it was a sure thing. Partner’s eight of clubs lead was likely a singleton, but it denied an honor in clubs in any event. Partner could have, at best, the king-jack of diamonds and the king-jack of spades. He had to have the ace of hearts to justify his opening bid.

Jan won this trick with the ace and exited with the king of spades! Declarer won with the ace and took his club discard on the queen, but he had to get back to his hand to play another round of trumps. South was pretty sure West had led a singleton club, so he tried to ruff a spade back to his hand. Aida ruffed this with the jack and promptly gave Jan a club ruff. She still had the king of trumps to come for down one. Well done!

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