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Sunday, April 23, 2017


Neither vulnerable, North deals



uJ 8 6 2

vK Q 10 8

wA 10 9 6


xQ J 8 3 x9

uQ 5 3 uK 10 9 4

v9 vA 7 6 5 4 3

wQ J 7 5 3 w8 4


xA K 10 6 5 4 2

uA 7

vJ 2

wK 2

The bidding:


Pass 2v 4x All pass

Opening lead: Nine of v

Today’s deal is from the recent Australian National Open Teams. The contract was the same at both tables, and so was the opening lead.

At one table, the declarer smoothly played the jack of diamonds under the ace at trick one. This false-card made it impossible for East to know for certain who started with a singleton diamond. East shifted to a heart rather than giving his partner a diamond ruff. This turned out to be the winning defense. West was able to gain the lead and cash a heart trick before declarer could enjoy any discards on dummy’s diamonds. One diamond trick, one heart trick, and two trump tricks meant down one for declarer.

At the other table, South was Jacek Pszczola, universally known as Pepsi -- the nickname resulting from many botched attempts at pronouncing his last name. Pepsi is from Poland but now lives in the USA. Pepsi intentionally followed suit with the two of diamonds under the ace, knowing that would pinpoint West’s lead as a singleton. East duly returned a diamond for West to ruff, but Pepsi was in complete control. West shifted to a heart, won by Pepsi with his ace. Two high trumps were followed by a low club to dummy’s ace, and Pepsi discarded his losing heart on a high diamond as West ruffed. Pepsi claimed with all trumps and the king of clubs remaining. Nice play!

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