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J.D. Power releases home security report

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Poor customer service can quickly send home security system customers to another provider regardless of their overall satisfaction level, according to the inaugural J.D. Power 2016 Home Security Satisfaction Report.

While the study shows that 31 percent of customers have considered switching providers, those who indicate they will change providers in the next 12 months are doing so predominantly because of a lack of available features/options, price or poor customer service.

The customer service experience is significant because 40 percent of all customers contact their provider at some point with a question, problem or request. Satisfaction is significantly higher among customers who say the response was helpful (869 on a 1,000-point scale) than among those who didn’t find the response helpful (655). Satisfaction also is higher among customers who don’t contact their provider (867) than among those who do (850).

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