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Struthers students shadow city officials

By Sarah Lehr

Saturday, May 14, 2016



Former U.S. House Speaker Thomas “Tip” O’Neill is renowned for saying, “All politics is local.”

Fifteen Struthers High School seniors experienced that statement firsthand Friday during the city’s annual Civic Day.

“People don’t realize how much goes into local government behind the scenes and how it impacts them,” said Nancy Savko, a student who served as safety-service director for the day.

Another student, Malcom Davis, added, “I think local government does have a more direct impact. I think, on the national level, Ohio gets a lot of attention when it comes time to elect a president, but after that it’s kind of ignored.”

Davis spent part of Civic Day wearing robes and presiding over the courtroom, while sitting next to the actual judge.

After watching municipal court proceedings, students toured Industrial Piping Specialists Inc., listened to a presentation by Jennifer Johnson, area manager for Aqua Ohio, and had lunch at Bogey’s Riverside Banquet Center.

The participants also staged a mock council session in which they pretended to approve legislation, including a resolution prohibiting texting while driving.

The students participated in Civic Day after being elected by their peers.

Kaitlin Fuschillo, who served as mayor for the day, said she became involved with Civic Day because of her enthusiasm for the legal profession. Additionally, she said an Advanced Placement high-school government class sparked her interest in politics.

“We really got to see the checks and balances at work,” Fuschillo said of Civic Day. “You realize that everyone who works in City Hall has a necessary role.”

Councilman Tony Fire, D-1st, said he hoped the day would encourage students to attend council meetings or otherwise participate in city events.

“It’s good to hear that so many of them are planning to stay in or near their hometown,” Fire said. “We need our young people to stay involved with Struthers.”