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The pros, cons of 'Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice'

Friday, March 25, 2016


Social Media Clerk

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice has been highly anticipated since the film was announced in 2013. Despite some rather negative critical reviews, the movie is worth seeing if you’re a comic book fan or just looking for a night out.


• Ben Affleck’s portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman could possibly be the best on-screen version yet. This is definitely a different Batman in terms of his actions (i.e. brandishing, using guns). Bruce Wayne also has a James Bond feel to him this time around.

• Even with a handful of screens, Gal Gadot steals the show as Wonder Woman. The prospect of her solo movie in 2017 warrants excitement from comic book fans.

• Give credit to director Zach Snyder for casting Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth. This Alfred is different from past incarnations. He has a military background and is very hands-on while maintaining his charm.


• In typical Zach Snyder fashion, the movie jumps around too much in the first two acts. You can feel the pressure to setup "Justice League: Part One."

• Snyder also makes points to discuss the controversial death toll from "Man of Steel" during the big fight scene, looking to clear up the backlash from that film.

• Superman is given a backseat with the arrival of the Batman. I wish Henry Cavill could have more scenes showing off the character's true emotion.

• The ending seems a little too long by about 20 minutes and is controversial.

RATING: 6.5/10 The “setup” of the Justice League seems a tiny bit cliche’ but works overall. Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL created memorable scores for the film.