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Awarding outstanding Austintown residents

Monday, July 25, 2016

By Amanda Tonoli


After a 10-year hiatus, the Austintown Growth Foundation will be sponsoring the Austintown Hall of Fame Awards once again.

The Hall of Fame Awards can be won through a nomination process.

“The honor begins by being nominated,” said Ken Carano, Austintown Growth Foundation chairman and Austintown Township trustee chairman. “It’s more than an outstanding honor to be chosen from your peers in the township.”

After a nominee is reviewed by members of the foundation, two nominees will be selected for the hall.

Traditionally, one nominee was selected each year; however, Carano said two are being selected to make this year up for lost time.

He said the hiatus came due to changing generations – one was aging out and a new one was aging into responsibility of the foundation.

“We slowly but surely brought it back,” he said. “We took everything and revamped the constitution and modernized everything we can do and honor people in Austintown.”

Individuals and businesses are honored through the Hall of Fame.

“It’s a professional service to the community,” Carano said. “The committee itself goes through a number of businesses and organizations in Austintown and looks at those who have been around and retain the workforce they had and redeveloped themselves.”

In addition, he said the panel looks for businesses that have served the community in several ways.

Overall, Carano said it’s someone, or a group of someones who have “done something over and above and beyond what’s expected.”

For a list of criteria, contact Carano at 330-519-6948 or