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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Croatian Pensioners will have a board meeting at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Croatian Home, 3200 Vestal Road, Youngstown. Cards and bingo will be played, and birthdays will be acknowledged.

Girard OldTimers will meet at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Lamancusa Restaurant, Trumbull Road, Girard.

Holy Family Seniors will meet at 11:30 a.m. Monday at Holy Family Parish Hall, 2731 Center Road, Poland. Lunch will be served at noon and bingo and cards will be played. Jean Evans, Virginia Lyden, and Mary Medovich are the hostesses. For questions call Ruth Burns, president, at 330-757-1334 or Laurie Fox, treasurer, at 330-536-8850.

Keenagers of Third Baptist Church will leave from the church parking lot at 11 a.m. Thursday for the annual trip to Hartville. Anyone interested in going can meet the group at the church.

Liberty 55-Plus Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. July 28 at First Christian Assembly Church, Cardinal Drive, for its annual catered picnic meeting. LeeAnn Martyak will preside, and hostesses will be Dorothy Filaccio, Dolly Rebraca and Antoinette Stumpo. The telephone committee will call members with details.

OBES Retirees will have a luncheon at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Perkins Restaurant, Boardman. All OBES retirees are welcome.

PERI Mahoning County 18 will meet for a sit-down luncheon at noon Aug. 2 at Antone’s Banquet Center, 8578 Market St., Boardman. Charlene Powell, District 11 representative, will be the speaker. The menu comprises barbecue chicken breast and ribs, potato salad, baked beans, salad, rolls and butter, strawberry shortcake, coffee, tea and soft drinks. Money will be raffled. The cost is $12 for members, associate members and guests; payable at the door. Reservations should be made by calling Arlene DeChellis, 330-726-8019; Phyllis Miglarese, 330-755-5640; Helen Verdream, 330-629-8227; or Mary Grace Welsh, 330-743-8425. Final deadline for reservations and cancellations is July 25.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens are published Sunday. Please submit the information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.