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Memo to Spike and Jada: Please get over yourselves

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Memo to Spike and Jada: Please get over yourselves

I am very saddened that the black community in Hollywood is actually playing the race card over the Academy Awards. Is this nation not divided enough?

To play the race card over an awards show is simply frivolous. All these awards do is inflate the egos of the already pompous celebrities. So a black person or movie was not nominated for an award. Is this what really matters? Let’s get our priorities in line here.

We should be giving awards to the people who really matter. The fireman who saved a life. The teacher who made a difference. The men and women who serve this country.

So to Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith: All you are are entertainers, and outside of Hollywood, no one really cares. Get over yourselves; you’re not that special.

Ron Scurti, Youngstown

Stop selling guns in US

With all the argument about controlling the proliferation of guns through background checks, somebody has to be courageous enough to demand, not background checks, but the cessation of selling and using guns altogether.

Until we as a united people put away our weapons, which echoes a biblical command, all of us – collectors, hobbyists, sportsmen, security forces, police officers and soldiers – are doomed to witness copycat, psychotic and terrorist assaults

Only when we, all nations and individuals together, put away our guns will peace come to the world.

Granted, I admit, that will not end disagreement or conflict, but it will let those who are dissatisfied with each other battle it out with sticks and stones and spare us the collateral damage of assault munitions.

Jim Vallani, Boardman

Stealing from the dead

We had our Mom’s funeral on Jan. 5, 2016. We bought the most beautiful silk flower arrangement spray for our beloved Mom, Kathleen Payton.

We came to her gravesite at Forest Lawn Cemetery three days later only to find someone had stolen most of the pink roses and white and pink hydrangea. It broke our hearts.

Our Mom taught us to respect cemeteries and honor our relatives who had passed. We were always on a limited budget, but every holiday we’d drive 25 miles to decorate four graves and pay our respects.

To the person who took our Mom’s flowers: It saddens us that you were not taught respect and compassion. Shame on you and your parents.

We filed a police report, and you will be caught and arrested.

Elaine Hoskins and Doloren Hake, Youngstown