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Coalition for a Drug-Free Mahoning County gets fed grant

Thursday, September 24, 2015

BOARDMAN — The Coalition for a Drug-Free Mahoning County has been awarded a five-year federal grant that will bring $125,000 each year to drug-prevention efforts in the township.

The Drug-Free Communities Support grant goes into effect Wednesday.

The agency previously applied for the grant to use countywide, but this year focused the application on Boardman.

“They’ve had very public overdose deaths and drug-related deaths, and they’ve also had a very public coming-together,” said Angela McClellan, coalition director. “They’ve been very good about putting those pieces together to help the youth, and I think it was that combination that helped us get the grant.”

Grant funds will go toward various programming in the township, and to add a full-time coalition employee who will focus on drug-prevention in Boardman and a part-time administrative assistant.