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Monday, November 30, 2015


Pennsylvania woman arrested for DUI crashes twice in 1 day


Pennsylvania State police say they arrested a woman in two different drunken-driving crashes in the same day.

Troopers from Somerset say Michele Leonard of Somerset crashed her car about 5 p.m. Nov. 13.

She was arrested, charged with drunken driving and then released.

Police say that’s when Leonard offered a stranger $3 for a ride back to her crashed vehicle, which she entered and began driving again.

Police say Leonard again lost control of the car, and sideswiped a parked car in Somerset Township about 6 p.m., then crashed into a garage.

Online court records didn’t list an attorney for Leonard, whose age has not been released by police.

Police remove 3-foot-long snake from Texas bathtub

WACO, Texas

Police in Texas have safely removed a 3-foot-long snake that a woman discovered in her bathtub.

Nobody was hurt in the incident before dawn Nov. 17.

Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton says a woman called police to say her adult daughter found a snake in her bathtub and needed help removing it. The daughter had called her mom after finding the snake.

It was a rat snake, which isn’t venomous.

Authorities aren’t sure how or why the snake ended up coiled in the tub. Swanton says it’s possible the snake was flooded from its habitat during recent storms, ended up in a drain line and wiggled its way up into the tub.

Police removed the snake and released it into some nearby woods.

Gum returns to famed Seattle wall days after cleaning


Chewing gum once again adorns Seattle’s famed gum wall less than a week after it was steamed clean of 20 years’ worth of old chewing gum. reported that a flash mob met Nov. 14 to leave their gum behind on the wall in the city’s Pike Place Market.

The group made a peace sign with the Eiffel Tower in the middle to honor Paris after the recent terror attacks.

On Nov. 10, powerful steam cleaners melted off an estimated 1 million pieces of gum from the wall, which hadn’t been cleaned in 20 years.

Market officials said they had expected people to continue leaving their gum after the cleaning.

Associated Press