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Trump in Columbus unapologetic for his demeanor

Monday, November 23, 2015


He called Hillary Clinton corrupt and some members of the news media liars.

He reiterated calls for a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico and restrictions and security checks on certain refugees.

He talked about overturning Obamacare and instituting tax policies that would stop big companies from moving their operations outside of the borders.

He doubled down on claims of seeing people celebrating the toppling of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, citing news accounts that support the contention.

And he touted the latest poll results, which put him well ahead of most of the rest of the GOP presidential field.

So came billionaire business mogul Donald Trump to Ohio’s capital city Monday night, where he was unapologetic for his demeanor and the approach he would take toward governance if elected president next year.

"We're tired of being run by stupid people," he said, adding later of his policy plans, "It's all morphed into one big beautiful package. The package is called you, but maybe it's in the form of me... And you're going to be so proud, and you're going to be so happy, and you're going to win again. We're going to start winning so much, we're going to win. ... The American Dream is dead, but we're going to make it bigger and better and stronger than ever before."

Trump spoke for more than an hour in a packed convention center hall, with crowd estimates of more than 10,000 people. It was a mostly friendly crowd, with frequent cheers of support, though a couple of vocal protesters were escorted out.

Dozens of protesters also chanted and held signs outside of the convention center in advance of Trump's appearance.

Some voiced opposition to his comments about immigrants and refugees.

Gov. John Kasich's campaign distributed copies of Trump's changing public positions on foreign policy matters, declaring "Donald Trump is willing to say and do anything to get elected president."

Monday's rally capped several days of volleys between the Trump and Kasich camps, continuing an offensive launched by the governor against the billionaire during recent GOP debates.

State lawmakers who support Kasich countered Trump's positions during a conference call with reporters in advance of Monday night's speech.