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Ground broken today for $5M renovation of Cardinal Mooney HIgh School

Thursday, May 28, 2015

YOUNGSTOWN — Representatives from the Diocese of Youngstown, Cardinal Mooney High School and local government joined Mooney alumni and students in groundbreaking ceremonies this morning that marked the official start of a $5 million renovation project at the school building on the city's South Side.

The top-to-bottom renovations, some of which are already underway, will be completed over a three-year period and will encompass every major component of the Erie Street building.

These new projects were sparked by a generous gift to Mooney given last year by two of its distinguished alumni, Denise DeBartolo York and Eddie DeBartolo, Jr. DeBartolo York was on hand this morning to participate in the ceremonial groundbreaking.

For the complete story, read Friday's Vindicator and