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Pittsburgh Presbyterian Church governing body votes to endorse gay marriage

Friday, May 15, 2015

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A regional governing body serving Presbyterian congregations in the Pittsburgh-area has voted to endorse same-sex marriage in church life.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports ministers and elders of the Pittsburgh Presbytery symbolically voted 122-110 in favor of the amendment after a spirited debate. The vote had no practical impact since the congregation’s General Assembly already authorized same-sex church weddings in states where they are allowed by law.

In past years, the presbytery had voted against ordaining noncelibate gays or blessing their relationships and several churches left the presbytery because of a trend of liberal moves.

Members can host same-sex marriages and ministers can now perform them, but they are not required to.

The Pittsburgh Presbytery is the sixth-largest presbytery in the U.S. with more than 30,000 members in Allegheny County.