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Impeach Boehner and McConnell

They represent America by their own desires

Sunday, March 29, 2015

I was always informed during my lifetime, that the “President of the USA” is our very viable leader and no matter what color of your skin and/or religion that you practice, one should always have extreme respect toward the president as our commander-in-chief. Any other matters without some educated communication on a subject is nothing more than chaos as is presently occurring in Asia and other parts of the world.

We always hope and pray that it never occurs in the USA, but two recent actions by Congress and the speaker of the House — allowing the Israeli prime minister to speak to Congress without White House authority and sending a letter to Iran without the same authority — are getting the same result.

Such tactics always had the concept of being a “traitor” to create anarchy in becoming a monarch government instead of a democratic government.

Just because Republicans are in control does not give them the authorization to operate over and above the president of the USA!!!

Therefore, House Speaker John Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell should be impeached and removed from their elected office. These two primary individuals were elected to Congress to represent and to govern the USA as according to the “People of USA” and not for their own desires as is currently happening.

Neil D. Frasca, Youngstown