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DOYLE MCMANUS: The French master the art of American politics

Monday, June 29, 2015

I visited friends last week in Brittany, the French province whose wild Atlantic coast resembles Northern California or Maine. And what do you think a dinner table full of smart French people wanted to talk about? The American presidential campaign.

I’ve always found it remarkable how much attention people in other countries pay to American politics. Is it because our political personalities are so compelling? More likely it’s because the decisions our presidents make end up affecting other people’s lives.

France has a presidential election coming up too, and most Americans haven’t given it a moment’s thought. But when it comes to U.S. politics, the French can name many of our leading candidates.

My hosts were a French couple, Pascal and Martine Lebehot; he’s a high school teacher, she’s an auditor for the regional government.

They mostly had one question: “Will Hillary win?”

They’re taken, understandably, with the Clinton family saga: A charismatic president falls into a sex scandal, only to regain his popularity – “You mean that doesn’t happen only in France?” Pascal asked mockingly – and might now be succeeded by his wife.

They wanted to know if Americans were ready to elect a woman, something France has never done. “It’s a good idea,” Martine advised. “Just look at Angela Merkel and Margaret Thatcher.”

They wanted to know which family would win, Clinton or Bush. “Dynasties – just like France before the revolution,” Pascal said.

“This Bush is smarter than his brother, right?” Martine asked. That’s his reputation, I said, but he’s just as conservative as George W. Bush. She made an unhappy moue.

But there are also insurgent candidates among the Republicans, I added, among them Ted Cruz, whose father groomed him to be a leader from a young age. “Ah,” said Pascal. “Just like Joseph Kennedy and his sons” – an analogy no American pundit has noticed, as far as I know.

They recoiled in mock horror when I explained that the Republicans could have 16 candidates. (France’s center-right Republicains have only one candidate, former President Nicolas Sarkozy. )

They were intrigued that the GOP field, with two Cuban-Americans and one African-American, is more diverse than the Democrats’.


A few days earlier, another French friend had posed a more probing question with genuine puzzlement. “Your economy is doing a lot better than ours,” he said. “Why is everyone so mad at Obama?”

The short version, I said, is that we’re a grouchy nation right now – grouchy about an economy that’s not delivering higher incomes to ordinary people, grouchy about the inability of our political system to solve problems.

The French have a word for that: “la morosite,” or “moroseness,” a national funk.

But you don’t look very morose, I told Pascal as he brought out a tray of many cheeses. “We’re really quite morose,” he replied without a trace of irony.

And for many of the same reasons we’re grouchy. Two-income professional couples like Pascal and Martine are doing fine, but they’re worried about their children and grandchildren.

After all the spats between France and the United States over the last 12 years, it turns out that we have at least one thing in common: la morosite. Citizens of the West’s two founding democracies don’t think democracy is working properly any more.

Los Angeles Times