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Join racial reconciliation program for the Valley

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Join racial reconciliation program for the Valley

As a retired, white campus minister, who has spent years working for civil rights and social justice for all persons, I was shocked, horrified, yet not surprised, by the terrorist killings of the pastors and civic leaders at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.

I am not surprised because the words of the assassin, Dylan Roof, that “blacks were taking over the world” is not the first time we have heard such misguided language used to attempt to justify a heinous action against persons whom the perpetrator does not know and does not seek to know.

This tragedy, one of far too many in recent months, is surely a call to action for all of us to reach out to those whom we need to know. For they continue to suffer as a result of our misguided actions or inaction.

The major way to address this problem is to bring divided people together, over a period of time, to truly find out who we are, and how much we do share as members of ONE human race. From my concern for this overwhelming problem I have initiated an effort, with many other persons of different colors, creeds and orientations to begin a program that brings people together to create clearer understandings of how to live together, and reduce the likelihood of violence between us.

Our program is called “Enabling Racial Reconciliation in Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley.” Persons become part of a small group dialogue, mixed racially with a trained facilitator.

They work on ways to resolve those key problems that confront our area that are related to racial concerns and offer their insights to such systems as education, employment, policing, poverty and race relations, all of which need knowledgeable citizen input and support. If you are interested in being a part of this racial reconciliation program please contact me at

Rev. Jim Ray, Poland