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After Charleston, out come the gun-control ‘whackos’

Sunday, June 28, 2015

After Charleston, out come the gun-control ‘whackos’

As we prepare to cele brate Independence Day, we must take a moment out to grieve for the shooting victims of Charleston who in their moment of prayer fell victim to an assassin’s bullets in their house of worship. As usual when tragedy like this happens, out come the gun-control whackos beating the gun-control war drums to take away our rights under the Second Amendment.

Guns don’t kill people; bad people with guns kill people and to enact stricter gun laws will only put more money in the pockets of the black-market gun dealers. If more places were open to good law-abiding citizens to carry guns, the carnage at Charleston might not have been so bad.

We must realize, as citizens of this great nation, that there may come a time when we must come to defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic and to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Bad people will always find a gun.

Jim Eidel, Beaver Twp.