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Animal research essential

Friday, July 31, 2015

By Frankie L. TRULL

The Philadelphia Inquirer

Scientists in Philadelphia may be on the cusp of curing AIDS.

Researchers at the Wistar Institute are running the largest randomized clinical trial of an AIDS therapy in the world. The drug they’re testing has shown the potential to reduce the level of HIV in a patient’s blood. That’s the first step toward a cure.

Treatments like this one were unimaginable just a few years ago. Since then, AIDS has transformed from a death sentence to, in many cases, a manageable chronic disease.

For that transformation, we can thank animal research, the indispensable foundation of most medical and scientific studies. And yet many animal-rights advocates continue to push for prohibition of animal models in biomedical research.

The facts are not on their side.

Decrease in deaths

As recently as 1995, AIDS was the leading cause of death among Americans ages 25 to 44. That year, AIDS killed more than 49,500 people around the country. Two decades later, annual deaths from the disease have dropped nearly three-quarters, to 13,700.

These recent advances are almost entirely due to highly effective antiretroviral drugs designed to prevent the virus from multiplying. The research that paved the way for these powerful treatments would have been impossible without research on nonhuman primates.

In the early days of the epidemic, scientists discovered the simian immunodeficiency virus in monkeys. Studying infected macaque monkeys helped scientists understand how AIDS worked in humans. These monkeys also received some of the first promising antiretroviral drugs.

The first approved AIDS drug was the direct result of early experiments with mice. Known as AZT, the antiretroviral was first shown to suppress mouse retroviral disease in 1986.

Primate models also played a valuable role in the creation of saquinavir, the first HIV protease inhibitor – a medicine that attacks the virus’ ability to replicate.

Today, protease inhibitors are an essential part of the drug cocktails that extend the lives of AIDS patients around the world.

Despite these achievements, many animal-rights advocates continue to oppose primate models in AIDS research. They claim that techniques like computer modeling and population studies can replace animal research.

In reality, there is no substitute for primate studies. To ensure that medicines are safe and effective, scientists must study them in living systems that closely resemble those in humans. Abandoning animal testing would halt today’s most promising lines of inquiry.

Crucial test

In 2013, researchers at Oregon Health and Science University successfully tested an experimental vaccine for SIV, the version of HIV that affects monkeys. After administering the vaccine, the researchers exposed the monkeys to a highly potent form of SIV. Half of the monkeys never contracted the virus. Over time, those that did were able to fight off the virus entirely.

This discovery, which could conceivably lead to the eradication of AIDS, wouldn’t have happened without the use of primates.

In sub-Saharan Africa, more than a million people die of AIDS each year. Ending - or restricting - primate studies and other forms of animal research will only delay the eradication of this deadly global disease.

Frankie L. Trull is president of the Foundation for Biomedical Research. She wrote this for The Philadelphia Inquirer. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.