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Videos put group on the defensive

Planned parenthood

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Associated Press


Two stealthily recorded videos show Planned Parenthood officials discussing how they provide aborted fetal organs for research. The videos have put the group and its Democratic allies on the defensive.

It’s unclear how long the political damage may last or whether Planned Parenthood has broken federal law – as abortion foes contend.

What’s clear is that Republicans and anti-abortion groups are giving no signs of letting the issue fade quickly. A look of what’s happened and what may be ahead:


Anti-abortion activists, under the banner of the previously obscure Center for Medical Progress, released two videos secretly recorded in 2014 and 2015 by people posing as buyers of fetal tissue.

One video shows their conversation with Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services; the other is with Dr. Mary Gatter, one of the organization’s medical directors.

In both videos, the Planned Parenthood officials discuss the amounts the group charges to provide the organs and the abortion procedures used to obtain the organs.

Abortion opponents say the videos show that Planned Parenthood is illegally harvesting and selling the organs. Planned Parenthood says it has done nothing wrong and that the videos were deceptively edited to support extremists’ false claims.


The business-like way the Planned Parenthood officials are seen discussing abortions, at times in grisly terms, has people from all camps wincing.

Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, has apologized for the “tone and statements.” Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he has seen no indication that the organization broke federal laws, but that “should be looked into.” Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-Va., said Democrats will not abandon their support for women’s reproductive rights, but “nor are we going to defend the indefensible.”

Abortion foes view the video as a political boon.

“When the curtain is drawn aside and people get a glimpse of what the argument is about, at the actual brutality of abortion, yes, it helps pro-life candidates,” said Douglas Johnson, top lobbyist for the National Right to Life Committee.

Some Republicans warn against going too far by escalating the fight beyond Planned Parenthood itself.


Three congressional committees are making inquiries, including the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which wants a briefing from Nucatola.

Planned Parenthood has not said she would appear. The committee chairman, Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., said in an interview that “at the end of the day, she’ll testify” – by subpoenaing her if necessary. Hearings seem likely.

Numerous Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates say they want to eliminate Planned Parenthood’s federal funding, which they have tried unsuccessfully before. That effort can fire up conservative voters and donors but stands little chance of surviving in the Senate or getting President Barack Obama’s signature. The fight could get ensnared in a possible budget battle this fall that might threaten another government shutdown.