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Become ’16 master gardener

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Q. What all do you do as master gardeners? Is there a training class coming up?

Lori from Boardman

A. We do lots of things for the community and learn along the way! Our motto is, “We are leaders, not weeders!” We teach the public about gardening and we assist with educational programs and activities at our local Ohio State University Extension office in Canfield.

As an OSU Extension master gardener volunteer, we are given choices to make about where we spend our time with the program. One program relates to inner-city community gardens and urban farms. We help promote the growing of local foods in these areas. We have programs at these gardens and farms every Monday during the summer. We answer questions and help improve gardening practices. We help with site selection, decisions on soil improvements and amendments, as well as issues with weed control.

We answer questions through our clinic and other programs. This year we answered nearly 1,000 questions at our clinic. Questions range from identifying bugs and diseases to helping homeowners with landscape issues and planting. We have a monthly “Coffee with the Master Gardeners” program on the third Wednesday of the month at which we share information about pruning, perennials, tomatoes and much more. We teach most of these programs.

We learn at our monthly meetings. We have guest speakers and programs, get updates on beneficial insects, study new ways to garden, hear about ways to control invasive plants, learn about native pollinators and much more.

We have a plant exchange at Canfield Fairgrounds each year in August. We invite the public to bring one and take one. We identify the plants for the exchange and answer any questions. We give people ideas on how they could implement their project ideas or take care of the problems in their gardens.

Northeast Ohio has a lot to offer to people and it is a good place for opportunities. We have so much to be thankful for as gardeners – good land, lots of good soil and plentiful water. We had a successful year as OSU master gardener volunteers and so did the people we helped throughout the growing season.

I encourage you to read more about our program, or call and ask us questions. We’d love to have you as one of us in 2016!

To learn more about the OSU Extension master gardener volunteer program and apply for the 2016 training class, which starts in March, go to:

Today’s answer is provided by Doris Puerner, OSU Extension master gardener volunteer. Call the office hot line at 330-533-5538 to submit questions. Regular clinic hours are over for the growing season, but you can still call and submit questions. Hours vary through winter.