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Boardman choir gives gift of music to Robinwood students

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.Santa and Rudolph make a special appearance during the Boardman Girls song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.The choir director asks students of Robinwood who are siblings and friends of the high school students to join them as they sing their final song, "O, Holy Night."


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.The Spartan Singers, the all boy singing group, pose as they end one of their holiday songs.


Neighbors | Alexis Bartolomucci.The Boardman Winter Chorale group holds Charlie Brown Christmas trees while they sing a tribute to the 50th anniversary of "A Charlie Brown Christmas."


Robinwood Lane Elementary School hosted a special guest performance on Dec. 11 - the Boardman High School choir, who performed a little holiday concert for the elementary students.

Linda Smrek, the director of the Boardman High School Choral, brought her students to sing at Robinwood as part of a small tour. The choral visited other elementary schools in the Boardman school district to perform holiday songs, as well.

The Boardman Singers, an all female group in glittery dresses and Santa hats, started out the show by singing “Joy to the World.” Their second song was “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” in which Santa and Rudolph made a special appearance during the song. To end their performance, the Boardman Singers acted like toy soldiers as they sang “Toy Soldiers.”

The Spartan Singers, the all male group, performed next. They were very interactive with the Robinwood students, as some of the Spartan Singers tried to get the students to dance with them during one of their songs. The second song that the Spartan Singers sang, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” contained a special solo by Justin McLellan, an alumnus of Robinwood Elementary.

The final group to perform was the Chorale, composed of mostly juniors and seniors with a few sophomore boys. The Chorale started with an old poem, “Christmas is Coming,” followed by an ode to the 50th Anniversary of “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” During the Charlie Brown performance, the singers held Charlie Brown style Christmas trees.

To end the performance, the Chorale sang “O, Holy Night.”

“If any of you have a sibling in the audience, or a neighbor, this is the time to bring them up,” said Smrek.

She encouraged the Robinwood students to participate in the final song and to go stand by their sibling or friend in the Chorale group.

The singers concluded the event by “Carol of the Bells” as they left the gymnasium to the applause of the Robinwood students.