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Traffic cameras to be shut down in Dayton

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Associated Press


Officials say they will shut down traffic-light and speed-ticket cameras in a southwestern Ohio city by the end of the year, yet continue pursuing a challenge to a state law restricting the use of cameras.

Dayton is waiting to hear whether the state Supreme Court will take its case challenging state law that requires officers to be present when tickets are issued, the Dayton Daily News reported Thursday. Dayton was among cities that sued the state over the law.

Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley said in July that the city would keep its cameras on, but issue tickets only when an officer is present. The decision was made after a state budget restriction passed in June would have withheld funds from cities to offset ticket revenues they collected through photo enforcement without officers present.

A lower court ruled this summer that the new law doesn’t violate Dayton’s home-rule authority.

Dayton spokeswoman Toni Bankston said Thursday that the cameras remained on with officers at the sites while data was collected on traffic patterns and accidents. She says revenue from the cameras has dropped significantly since officers were put at the sites.

The city expects to receive more than $1.5 million in revenue from the traffic ticket cameras. In January, the city received more than $225,000. By October, ticket revenue fell to less than $19,000.