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Sunday, August 30, 2015


Mahoning will meet at noon for a tour of Boardman Park herb garden and drying shed maintained by Holborn Herb Growers Guild. Take a sack lunch and a story or sample of your success with drying flowers, plants and herbs. Guests are welcome. The presenter will be Mary Grace Fowler, and hostesses are Dee Didden and Marilyn Chiu.

Men’s Garden Club of Youngstown will meet at 7 p.m. at Fellows Riverside Gardens. The speaker will be Andrew Platt, assistant horticuture director at Fellows. Guests are welcome.


St. Charles will meet in St. Matthew room at St. Charles Church in Boardman. Ellen Speicher from Fellows Riverside Gardens will discuss transitioning summer plants to indoors and fall gardening care and planting. Guests are welcome.

Sweetbriar will meet for a program on scrapbooks. The hostess will be Wendy Homer.


Daisy Dozen will meet at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 10 for a tour of YSU Pollock House, the home of Jim and Ellen Tressel. The tour will include the gardens. A meeting will follow at noon at Cassese’s MVR. Reservations are necessary by Sept. 7 by calling Suzanne Flemming.

Garden club news is published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.