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Cuboid doormat appears to be 3-D

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cuboid doormat appears to be 3-D

Doormats aren’t the most inspirational of household purchases. Whereas the quest for a great interior rug involves carefully considering several details, shopping for a doormat essentially means asking yourself two questions: Is it not totally hideous? Can I wipe my feet on it?

There also may be a couple more considerations: price and design and whether the doormat is emblazoned with some cutesy/snarky phrase.

If you browse the Dwell Store (the e-commerce arm of Dwell magazine), you will discover a doormat that’s anything but square.

The Cuboid doormat (above) by British design company Established and Sons makes an ordinary “Welcome” mat seem, well, flat. A geometric (cuboidal) shape and clever shading give it the appearance of a 3-D object. Unlike a mat featuring one of the aforementioned cutesy/snarky sentiments, the Cuboid is playful but subtle. And the minimal design makes a chic statement.

Made of durable, natural coconut fiber, the Cuboid doormat is one you can walk all over and it will stay intact.

Available for $145 at

Save on water

Water conservation expert Tracy Quinn of the Natural Resources Defense Council said that making just a few small changes to your daily habits can result in big water savings. Suggestions include:

Your dishwasher is its most efficient when you’ve got a full load.

Wait until you have a full load before washing clothes.

Got ice cubes left over in water glasses after a dinner party? Toss them onto the lawn.

Don’t let the water run while you’re shaving or brushing your teeth.

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