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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thad and Dr. Lisa (Leone) Poweski of Columbus are announcing the birth of their second daughter, Eva Marie, on May 20 at Riverside Methodist Hospital. Her sister is Mia Jacquelyn. Grandparents are Dr. Philip A. Leone of Canfield and the late Jacquelyn Leone and Bob and Mary Beth Poweski of Howland. Great-grandparents are Philip and Anne Leone of Austintown.

Matthew and Gia (Montecalvo) Gustovich of Brimfield Township, Ohio, are announcing the birth of a son, Vincent Matthew, on Aug. 8 at Akron General Medical Center. Grandparents are Dan and Rosanna Montecalvo of Warren and Mark and Ginny Gustovich of McDonald. Great-grandparents are Carmen Montecalvo and Maria Lucarelli, both of Warren.

This column is reserved for out-of-town births of local interest. Please send the information to the Society Department by noon Tuesday.