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Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Neither vulnerable. North deals.


x8 7

u5 2

vA K Q 10 6 5

wK 10 2


x9 4 2 xA Q 10 6 5

uA K 3 u8 7 4

vJ 9 7 4 v3

wQ 6 5 wJ 9 4 3


xK J 3

uQ J 10 9 6

v8 2

wA 8 7

The bidding:


1v 1x 2u 2x

3v Pass 3NT All pass

Opening lead: Nine of x

East ducked the opening spade lead, allowing South to win with the jack. Declarer cashed the ace and king of diamonds, getting the bad news, and continued with the queen and another diamond, discarding two hearts from his hand.

West gave the hand careful thought. He knew that declarer had the ace of clubs from the bidding, as well as another high spade. Should that high spade be the ace, declarer had nine tricks and there was nothing the defense could do. Should it be the king, instead, the defense had a chance.

West shifted brilliantly to the queen of clubs. Had South won this in his hand, he would have no entry later to the king of spades, so he had to win with dummy’s king. On the run of dummy’s last two diamonds, declarer couldn’t find a second discard. A club went on the 10 of diamonds but there was no effective discard on the last diamond. The ace of clubs, another heart, or the low spade would all be fatal. South just cashed his ace of clubs and conceded the rest for down one.

Despite West’s terrific defensive play, South could have prevailed. South should have led a diamond to dummy’s 10 at trick two, not caring whether it won or lost. Should the 10 lose to East’s jack, declarer would still be able to lead a spade toward his king while he had a club entry to get to it. The low diamond in his hand would be the link back to dummy for the diamonds.

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