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Lines drawn in Ohio's pot-legalization battle

By Marc Kovac

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

By Marc Kovac


A coalition of groups opposing a November ballot issue to legalize marijuana launched its campaign efforts Monday, with hopes of persuading voters to reject Responsible-Ohio’s plans to regulate the drug for recreational and medicinal uses.

Children’s health organizations, business groups, county prosecutors and others plan to spend the next 21/2 months urging “no” votes on Issue 3, with a focus on the business interests that stand to benefit from the proposed constitutional amendment and the health ramifications, particularly among children, if the plan passes.

“We’re especially concerned because this proposal would allow for [the] wide-open sale of marijuana and marijuana-infused products, like cookies and candy, and other edibles, which can easily fall into the hands of innocent kids and others, possibly causing irrevocable harm,” said Nick Lashutka, president of the Ohio Children’s Hospitals Association.

The campaign event at Nationwide Children’s Hospital came a few hours after ResponsibleOhio announced its own voter educational efforts – via a recreational vehicle painted green, emblazoned with images of marijuana plants and urging “Yes on legalization” and “Legalize Ohio 2015.”

The “Green Rush” bus tour will schedule stops in communities and on college campuses in all 88 counties in coming weeks, said Faith Oltman, spokeswoman for the pro-marijuana campaign.

ResponsibleOhio has proposed a structure to regulate marijuana production and sales in the state. Its amendment outlines 10 sites where marijuana could be grown, including a location in Alliance in Stark County, and five testing facilities to check drug supplies for potency and safety, including a site in Mahoning County.

Retail sales of the drug would be taxed at 5 percent, while growers and processors would pay a 15 percent tax on their purchases.

The ballot language also would allow anyone 21 or older to grow up to four marijuana plants at home, as long as they have obtained permits and the growing area is secure.

Groups that oppose the issue said that the plan would establish “a billion-dollar marijuana monopoly” for a small group of wealthy investors within the state constitution.

“This is all about money,” said former Attorney General Betty Montgomery, who attended the campaign kickoff and who opposes the ResponsibleOhio issue. “This is not about the freedom to smoke marijuana. It’s all about money. ... They put up $4 million so they could control the marketplace and make a lot of money ... at the expense of the rest of the public.”

Coalition members also voiced concern about the impact of legalized marijuana on younger Ohioans, including children who could accidentally ingest the drug.

“Every Ohio couple [could] have more than a pound of dope in their house legally,” said Curt Steiner, a spokesman for Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies. “I guarantee you that some of that’s going to be sold to people on the black market.”

But proponents say the plan will boost the state’s coffers and workforce numbers and provide appropriate regulation for drug sales and distribution.

“We want to take the streets back from drug dealers,” Oltman said. “And we want to bring tax revenue back to local communities. We want to offer medical-marijuana compassionate care for sick Ohioans, bring tens of thousands of jobs and thousands of business opportunities.”

Oltman countered assertions that the Responsible-Ohio’s proposal would make it easier for children to obtain marijuana.

“We want to make sure that kids don’t have access to marijuana, by ID’ing them,” she said. “Because drug dealers don’t ID the kids. We want to make sure that marijuana legalization is done in a good way.”

ResponsibleOhio has said it expects its campaign efforts to cost $20 million or more. That’s not including the money Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies will raise and spend in its efforts to oppose the issue.