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Dr. Saadi, son achieve lifelong dream

Friday, June 20, 2014


Dr. Elias T. Saadi, after decades of trying, won Lebanese citizenship, an act that he said completes his identity.

Outgoing Lebanese President Michel Sleiman, in his final hours in office, issued a special decree granting Lebanese citizenship to Dr. Saadi and his son, Atty. Edward Saadi of Poland.

“We’re humbled that President Sleiman saw fit to bestow this honor,” said Atty. Saadi.

“I have strong feelings about receiving citizenship. I wanted my identity because that’s who I am,” said Dr. Saadi.

He also has strong feelings about being an American.

He founded the American Lebanese League, which he said is the second-strongest lobby in the United States from the Middle East.

“We decided we were 100 percent Americans of Lebanese descent. There is no hyphen in the organization’s name. I don’t believe in a hyphenated America. We are a unique country. We are Americans. I think hyphens are divisive and ruining the melting pot,” Dr. Saadi said.

“Each of us has to bring our very best to the table, then we’ll be able to restore the America that our ancestors came here for,” he said.

“The first thing my parents wanted to do when they immigrated here was learn English. My father, who came here from Lebanon in 1913, never went to school, not one day. He started working in the steel mills at 14; and eventually went into the dry goods business and started dabbling in real estate. He was the spokesman for the Lebanese community in this area,” Dr. Saadi said of his father.

Despite his American-first feelings, Dr. Saadi has been a leading activist for the freedom and sovereignty of Lebanon for many years.

In his decree naturalizing Dr. Saadi, President Sleiman said the doctor travelled repeatedly to Lebanon at great personal risk during the 1970s and 1960s, and brought Lebanon’s cause to the highest levels of the U.S. Government.

Read more of this Youngstown cardiologist's interesting life in Saturday's Vindicator or on