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Former Fla. governor Jeb Bush to speak in Ohio tonight

Monday, June 16, 2014

CINCINNATI (AP) — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is the latest political heavyweight visiting Ohio.

Bush was scheduled to headline a Republican National Committee fundraiser this evening in Cincinnati. GOP chairman Reince Priebus is also part of the event. Ohio U.S. Sen. Rob Portman also was listed on invitations, but his office said he was scheduled to stay in Washington on legislative business.

Former President Bill Clinton spoke to Ohio Democrats on Friday in Columbus, and Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky spoke last month at a Hamilton County Republican Party dinner in Cincinnati.

RNC invitations say tickets start at $1,000 each to attend a reception. The price ranges up to $64,800 for couples serving as event chairs along with dinner, photo opportunities and a roundtable discussion.