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US slips deeper, deeper into fascist form of government

Thursday, February 27, 2014

US slips deeper, deeper into fascist form of government

How can the U.S. be consid- ered a democracy — a democratic republic — if the individuals elected to represent the masses overwhelmingly are in the 1 percent in wealth status? The majority of both the House and Senate are categorized as millionaires. The masses are not represented by their peers.

Unless one sells himself or herself to moneyed interests, one has no chance of even thinking about making a run for office. The moneyed class will not in most cases grant access for candidates outside of the Democratic/Republican dynamic, labeling them the “lunatic fringe.” Running for a congressional position that pays $175,000 plus perks, a candidate spends millions of dollars in most cases — leaving the honest and incorruptible behind almost inevitably.

Pundits in the U.S. scoffed at the Soviet Union when their elections resulted in the return of incumbents 95-98 percent of the time. In the U.S., incumbents are returned to their seats in the middle to upper 90 percentile. They’re more likely to retire or refrain from — public service — than to be voted out by their “constituents.”

In Benito Mussolini’s Italy, the initiation of fascism was overt. The Parliament was dissolved, and corporate leaders were put in their place to conduct everyday governance. “Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is the merger of corporate and government power,” Mussolini said. In the U.S, the fascism is covert with members of Congress, presidential administrations, military leaders and others traveling through the revolving door between “public service” and high positions in the corporate sphere.

Quoting Gerald Celente: “State controlled capitalism is called fascism.” Any realistic analysis of the economic/political establishment of the U.S. would result, unfortunately, in the conclusion that the U.S. has indeed slipped into fascism in the last 35 or so years.

John E. Malley, Youngstown