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Coach Bill McCartney to address Circle of Champions event

By Linda Linonis

Thursday, February 13, 2014

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Photo by: Robert K. Yosay

Promoters of the Circle of Champions gathering planned Monday at Highway Tabernacle in Austintown display a poster advertising the event with speaker Coach Bill McCartney. From left are Bing Newton of Men’s Rally in the Valley; the Rev. Gary Gray, pastor of Highway Tabernacle; and the Rev. Gary Frost, who will moderate the event.



In the eyes of the organizers, the upcoming Circle of Champions event will be the catalyst for the fifth annual Men’s Rally in the Valley in May.

The free Circle of Champions program at 7 p.m. Monday at Highway Tabernacle, 3000 S. Raccoon Road, will feature speaker Bill McCartney. He founded Promise Keepers, a Christian organization for men.

McCartney, a former football player, was head football coach at the University of Colorado Boulder from 1982-94. His 1990 team was crowned as national champions by the Associated Press, splitting the title with the Georgia Tech team. McCartney was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as a coach in 2013.

Sponsors are Men’s Rally in the Valley and NOW Youngstown.

Recently, Bing Newton, founder of the Men’s Rally; the Rev. Gary Frost, national prayer coordinator of North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Conference; and the Rev. Gary Gray, pastor of Highway Tabernacle, discussed the gathering.

“There are so many points of divisiveness, we want to focus on the areas of healing so men can come together,” said the Rev. Mr. Frost.

McCartney was sought as a speaker because of his prominence and commitment to Christianity. “His power is not in his eloquence, but in his passion,” Mr. Frost said.

Newton said the goal of the event is to draw men who may not attend church but would be interested in hearing a prominent coach speak. McCartney will be the motivation to attend; his message is about introducing men to Jesus and helping them grow as Christians.

“Men are absent from church and the home,” Newton said. “We are not taking the responsibility that God wants us to.” Newton said Promise Keepers are “men of God” who accept their responsibilities.

The Rev. Mr. Gray added at Highway Tabernacle he has “challenged our men to step outside of the circle of one’s own church and get involved.”

Both Mr. Frost and Newton said the key word is “unity.” The event calls on men “to rise up and make a difference in your community and our Valley.”

Mr. Frost said if men can meet and share their belief in Jesus, there is power in numbers. “If we meet in Jesus, there is hope for the Valley and nation,” he said.

Newton added it’s time for men to “be on Christ’s team and be unified in that.”

Mr. Frost observed that the Men’s Rally in the Valley originated outside of the city with Newton. “We want the event to resonate and impact men in the city,” he said. “We’re looking for a spiritual revival that will bring men back to Christian values.”

Newton, a successful track coach at Salem High School from 1968-92, said, “God gave me the opportunity to impact lives.”

Mr. Frost credited Newton with “being able to rally men.”

“Bing doesn’t point them to particular churches but to Jesus, who will lead them to a church,” Mr. Frost said.

For information, contact Newton at 330-427-6578 or email to, or visit