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Ohio voters support increased investment in energy infrastructure

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A poll distributed by an oil and natural gas industry group showed “strong bipartisan majorities” of Ohio voters support increased investment in energy infrastructure.

A survey by API-Ohio, a branch of the American Petroleum Institute, of 600 voters revealed 90 percent of Ohioans agree that increased production of domestic oil and natural gas resources could lead to more domestic jobs.

Eighty-nine percent said increased development of energy infrastructure would benefit American consumers, and 87 percent think increased production of domestic oil and natural gas resources could help stimulate the economy.

“Forward-looking policies that allow the United States to capitalize on its bright energy future are imperative for this nation to realize its job creation and economic potential,” Christian Zeigler, executive director of API-Ohio, said in a statement. “The people of Ohio get it; America’s economic future, the availability of affordable and reliable energy, depends on the policies created today.”

The telephone survey was conducted by Harris Poll, on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute. It sampled 600 registered voters in Ohio, with a sampling error of plus-or-minus 4 percent.