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“I am so thrilled to be a member of a church that does so much to help our precious

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

“I am so thrilled to be a member of a church that does so much to help our precious planet.”

Kimberly Lewis of Smith Township, a parishioner at Trinity Lutheran Church and a member of its environmental stewardship committee. The church annually diverts at least 3,000 pounds of material from the solid-waste stream, Lewis said.

“I drive a bicycle taxi. How am I going to buy a house or an apartment with what I earn?”

Cuban citizen Lazaro Marquez, who makes about $2 a day pedaling passengers through central Havana. An apartment in the neighborhood costs around $7,000.

“His dream came true through music, and he touched thousands of lives, and he helped heal the soul of people dealing with cancer.”

Mary Huston, sister of country music singer Kevin Sharp who died Saturday at 43.