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Students compete at Science Day

Friday, April 18, 2014


Neighbors | Submitted.St. Joseph Immaculate Heart of Mary sixth- and eighth- grade students competed at the Lake-to-River Science Day at YSU March 22. Pictured, from left, are sixth-grade winners Isabelle Gasior, Julianna Frengler, Allyson Smith, Grace Cripe, Nicholas Moliterno, Ella Siembieda and Riley Burke.


Neighbors | Submitted.St. Joseph Immaculate Heart of Mary sixth- and eigth-grade students competed at the Lake-to-River Science Day at YSU March 22. Pictured, from left, are Joshua Harker, Colin Faloon, Jack Chepke, Andrew Siembieda, Thomas Pitko and Ryan Kopcial.


Neighbors | Submitted.St. Joseph Immaculate Heart of Mary sixth- and eighth-grade students who competed at the Lake-to-River Science Day at YSU March 22. Pictured, from left, are Nicholas Moliterno, Allyson Smith, Julianna Frengler, Grace Cripe, Ella Siembieda, Isabelle Gasior, Riley Burke, Joshua Harker, Colin Faloon, Jack Chepke, Andrew Siembieda, Thomas Pitko and Ryan Kopcial.

St. Joseph Immaculate Heart of Mary sixth- and eighth-grade students competed at the Lake-to-River Science Day at Youngstown State University on March 22.

Seven sixth-graders and six eighth-graders competed at the event and all students received an excellent rating or higher. These students continued to work on and improve their initial science fair projects from February in order to compete at Lake-to-River Science Day.

Nine students achieved a superior rating, qualifying them to compete at the State Science Day at The Ohio State University the first weekend in May. Students achieving this rating were sixth-graders Ally Smith, Nick Moliterno, Ella Siembieda and Riley Burke, and eighth-graders Josh Harker, Jack Chepke, Thomas Pitko, Andrew Siembieda and Ryan Kopcial.

Grace Cripe (sixth-grade), Julianna Frengler (sixth-grade), Isabelle Gasior (sixth-grade) and Colin Faloon (eighth-grade) went to YSU’s Science Day and received excellent ratings.