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Memorable Meals will warm the Valley

Saturday, September 21, 2013


SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR A fundraiser that will benefit Grow Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley Historical Society is planned for 2 to 5 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Tyler Mahoning Valley History Center, 325 W. Federal St., Youngstown. For tickets to the event, titled Memorable Meals Mahoning Valley ... Homes & Restaurants, call the society at 330-743-2589. Committee members of the fundraiser follow: from left in front are John Beilby, WFMJ-TV account executive; Elsa Higby, Grow Youngstown founder-director; Elayne Bozick, Eranco business broker and board member of Grow Youngstown and the historical society; Samantha Anderson, Grow Youngstown intern; and Jack Kravitz, owner of Kravitz Deli and a Grow Youngstown board member. In back are Shelly Covert of the Mahoning Valley Soil & Water Conservation District; Kimberly Urig, director of Our Daily Green; Cheryl Lewis, MVHS campaign director; Leann Rich, MVHS education-external relations manager; Kathleen Vrable-Bryan, SWCD administrator and Grow Youngstown Board member. Not pictured are Cynthia Beckes O’Connor, Melting Pot Memories blogger-writer-historian; Samantha Turner, chief operating officer of American Maintenance Services and a Grow Youngstown Board member; and Sarah Perrine, SWCD intern.