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Preschoolers learn about caterpillars

Friday, September 20, 2013


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman .Annabella Gibbons planted her seeds into her caterpillar craft Aug. 23 at Fellows Riverside Garden.


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman .Children attending the caterpillar class on Aug. 24 at Fellows Riverside Garden created a caterpillar of their very own to take home.


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman .Julianna Brubaker worked on her craft during the caterpillar class Aug. 24 at Fellows Riverside Garden.


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman .Sheri and Zachary Hufnagle worked on the craft together during caterpillars Aug. 24 at Fellows Riverside Garden.


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman .Katrina and Dawn Warminski attended the caterpillar class Aug. 24 at Fellows Riverside Garden.


The preschool class at Fellows Riverside Gardens explored the world of caterpillars Aug. 22.

“Butterflies drink nectar and help pollinate flowers,” instructor Bridget Beck told the class.

The class is the second in a series of three which features different insects and creatures each month.

Beck began the class by reading “10 Little Caterpillars” by Bill Martin Jr. Next, the class made a caterpillar craft out of egg cartons and wheat berry seeds, which they could take home to grow into wheatgrass.

Throughout the class Beck offered other information about caterpillars.

“Caterpillars use their antenna to guide them around so they know which direction to go.”

Dawn Warminksi and her daughter attended the class for the first time.

“We’re really excited to learn about caterpillars,” said Warminski.

The class ended with a walk to the Family Garden where guests looked for their own caterpillars and butterflies.

Beck said the class gives the children experience at the garden.

“It’s good exposure to the gardens,” said Beck.

The next class, featuring butterflies, will be Sept. 19 from 1-2 p.m. and Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. until noon.