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Extra security in Warren high school today

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

WARREN — False rumors circulated on social media Monday afternoon, but there was no danger to the Warren City Schools and there was no lockdown. But there are new precautions being taken this morning.

Families of Warren School students were notified with automated calls to their homes Monday evening that they would be searched on their way into Warren G, Harding High School, and no backpacks would be allowed, said Tracey Preston, secretary to Warren Superintendent Michael Notar.

The extra security was the result of a post on Facebook.

Warren police brought extra officers to assist regular security to Harding today to check students entering the building following several recent violent incidents with ties to the shooting death of Taemarr Walker , 24, of Warren by a Warren police officer Oct. 19.

Students were advised not to bring a backpack to school today, but some did, and their backpacks were checked. Students with no backpack walked through the checkpoint freely, without being checked.