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Resolutions approved are:

Monday, October 21, 2013

Resolutions approved are:

Establish sustainable, neighborhood-based ecumenical faith groups to develop, initiate and execute strategies for evangelization within our neighborhoods.

Organize a consortium of groups and agencies that provide athletic, cultural, musical, artistic and other services to Youngstown children.

Form a plan to address and systematically solve, one segment at a time, blighted areas, beginning with the McGuffey Plaza.

Develop a plan to address the problems of empty buildings, blight, violence, drug trafficking and illegal activities along the South Avenue corridor.

Affirm the need to buy locally produced and processed foods and help grow our regional food economy; and encourage congregationalwide social events to include as much locally produced food as possible.

Reinstate “Holy Ground” marches in neighborhoods to bring awareness to the necessity of removing blight as a community issue.

Gather and disperse information about help for those in need.

Source: Alliance for Congregational Transformation Influencing Our Neighborhoods