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Wednesday, March 27, 2013


North-South vulnerable. South deals.



uK 8 3 2

vA K Q 9 5

wA 9 5


xQ 10 7 5 3 xK 6 2

uQ 9 6 4 uA 7

v6 v10 8 7 3 2

w10 8 4 wK 6 2


xA J 8 4

uJ 10 5

vJ 4

wQ J 7 3

The bidding:


Pass Pass 1v Pass

1NT Pass 2NT Pass

3NT Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Five of x

More and more, top-level bridge is becoming a multi- national vocation. Not only are U.S. tournaments becoming international events attracting an ever-growing number of foreign internationalists, U.S. experts travel all over the world to compete. This deal features British champion Andrew Robson on a deal from the U.S. Championships.

Except for South’s decision to respond one no trump rather than one spade, the auction was straightforward. With a super-maximum one- no-trump response, the raise to game was automatic.

West led a low spade to East’s king, and Robson allowed it to hold. The spade return was covered by the jack, losing to the queen as declarer sluffed a club from dummy. West shifted to a club, ducked, on the table and won by East’s king. The defender returned his remaining spade, taken by declarer’s ace.

A club to the ace and a diamond back to the knave allowed declarer to cash two more clubs, reducing the board to the king of hearts and four diamonds. East was forced to hold the ace of hearts and four diamonds to guard against dummy’s threats in the red suits.

When a diamond to the ace revealed the suit was not breaking, declarer simply exited with the king of hearts. In with the ace, East was forced to lead a diamond away from the ten into the table’s K Q 9 tenace. Declarer wrapped up the contract, scoring one spade, three clubs and five diamond tricks.

2013 Tribune Media Services