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Friday, June 28, 2013


Both vulnerable. West deals.


xJ 5 2

u7 6 5

vA J 10 2

wJ 10 2


xA K Q x9 8 7 6

u10 8 4 u3 2

v9 7 6 vQ 4 3

wA K 9 3 wQ 8 5 4


x10 4 3

uA K Q J 9

vK 8 5

w7 6

The bidding:


1NT Pass Pass 2u

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Ace of x (Ace from A K)

After West opens one no trump, further competition is up to East. When South bids two hearts, West should leave it up to partner to decide what do. West winds up on lead and chooses the obvious ace of spades. Believe it or not, some lead the queen from A K Q (x), asking for count.

West cashes three spades and shifts to the king of clubs. East signals encouragement and West continues with the ace of clubs and a club to the queen, ruffed by declarer.

To make the contract, declarer must find the queen of diamonds. A lazy declarer might assume that West has it. Not so fast, declarer. West has turned up with 16 high-card points — the three top spades and the ace-king of clubs. Give West the diamond queen and he would have 18 high-card points and be too strong for a one-no-trump opening bid. Ergo, East must have the queen of diamonds so finesse him for it!

2013 Tribune Media Services