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Monday, July 29, 2013


Weekly Quiz Answers

Q. Vulnerable, you hold:

x10 9 7 5 4 uK Q 5 vA K 10 7 5 wVoid

Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with four clubs. What action do you take?

A. You would like the hand a lot more if one of your diamonds was a heart, but life at the bridge table is seldom perfect. If you pass, your left-hand opponent might raise the pre-empt. Partner is unlikely to have enough to act, so you probably will have to decide, one level higher, whether to act or not. Double now — for takeout.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA K Q 10 6 uJ 9 7 3 v5 wA K 5

Partner opens bidding with one diamond. What do you respond?

A. You have a very powerful hand, but your singleton in the suit partner opened calls for caution and your suit is a card short for being self-sufficient. Since you have no idea where the hand should play, respond one spade and await developments.

Q. Vulnerable, you hold:

xQ 10 8 5 2 uA 5 vA J 9 8 5 wA

Partner opens bidding with one no trump. What do you respond?

A. If you play transfer responses, life is simple. Transfer into spades and then make a forcing bid of three diamonds. If transfers are not in your arsenal, either jump to three spades, or try two clubs (Stayman), then jump in spades should partner bid anything other than two spades.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xQ 8 5 uA J 9 8 2 vA K 6 w7 2

Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with one club. What action do you take?

A. Obviously, the choice lies between a takeout double and an overcall of one heart. There is too great a chance that a takeout double will land you in a 4-3 spade fit rather than a 5-3 heart fit. We prefer one heart even though there is a slight danger that partner might not show a five-card spade suit with a bad hand and heart shortness.

Q. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xQ J u9 7 6 3 vA K Q 9 5 4 w6

The bidding has proceeded:


1v Pass 1u Pass


What do you bid now?

A. You have tremendous trick-taking potential opposite the right responding hand. However, if the hands do not fit well, there might be no entry to your hand outside of diamonds. With no high card in partner’s suit, a raise to two hearts looks ample.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xJ 10 4 3 2 u8 4 3 vA Q J 10 9 wVoid

The bidding has proceeded:


1NT Pass 2w Pass

2x Pass ?

What do you bid now?

A. Yes, partner could have a magic hand that would produce slam. Before you get into trouble, you simply raise to four spades.

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