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Stories and play with puppet pals

Friday, July 26, 2013


Neighbors | Elise McKeown Skolnick.Librarian Katherina Matasic performed as Rapunzel in a fractured fairy tale version of the classic tale at the Boardman Library July 10.


Neighbors | Elise McKeown Skolnick.Librarians Katherina Matasic and John Yingling told the story of Miss Duck’s New Hat using puppets at the Boardman Library July 10.


Neighbors | Elise McKeown Skolnick.Aurora Fares enjoyed seeing the story Pete the Cat brought to life with a puppet at the Boardman Library.


Neighbors | Elise McKeown Skolnick.Shown, clockwise from left, are Cassy Blakeman, Joe Modarelli, Emily Gorup and Mathew Modarelli enjoyed the freezer pop after the puppet show at Boardman Library.


Neighbors | Elise McKeown Skolnick.Librarian John Yingling led children in song at the Boardman Library during the Puppets! Puppets! event July 10.


Librarians John Yingling and Katherina Matasic brought puppets to life and used them to tell various stories at the July 10 program – Puppets! Puppets! – at the Boardman library.

Stories included “Miss Duck’s New Hat,” “Jigs Plays a Trick,” “Elephant and Piggy Go for a Drive,” and “Pete the Cat.”

Children interacted with the characters, telling Miss Duck she did indeed have a hat on her head when she thought she didn’t and shouting out colors when Pete the Cat stepped in strawberries, blueberries and more, which turned his white shoes red, blue and other colors.

Also included were songs and fractured fairy tales – fairy tales that have been re-written to make them funny. The kids laughed when “Rapunzel” threw down her underwear rather than her hair and dirty socks instead of her long locks.

The librarians rapped their way through a fractured version of “Little Red Riding Hood.”

“I liked that because I like rap,” 10-year-old Aurora Fares of Canfield said.

She rapped along with them. She said she thought the puppet show would be cute.

“And it was,” Fares added.

She also enjoyed seeing “Pete the Cat” acted out, as she enjoys the story.

Her mother, Maria-Elena Fares, was pleased with the show.

“They always put on a very entertaining and educational program,” she said. “I like the fact that they discussed fractured fairy tales.”

Emily Gorup of Canfield said her favorite story was “Miss Duck’s New Hat.” She also enjoyed seeing the fractured version of “Rapunzel” being performed because she had read the book.

Following the show, each child received a freezer pop.