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Thursday, February 28, 2013


Neither vulnerable. West deals.


x6 5 2

uK J 9

v10 9 8 4

wA 4 2


xK J 4 x10 9 8 7

u4 u3 2

vA K J 5 3 v7 6 2

wQ J 10 8 wK 9 7 3


xA Q 3

uA Q 10 8 7 6 5


w6 5

The bidding:


1v Pass Pass 4u

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: King of v

Here’s a chance for you to test your analytical skills. South, declarer at four hearts, lost exactly three tricks. Which tricks were they?

West had a sound one- diamond opening bid, which was passed around to South. One possibility was for South to start with a takeout double, but he decided there was little chance of discovering whether North had the right cards, so he opted for a jump to four hearts. That became the final contract.

West led the king of diamonds and shifted to the queen of clubs. Which three tricks did South concede?

Accept our congratulations if you decided that declarer lost three diamond tricks! After losing the first trick to the king of diamonds, declarer won the second with the table’s ace of clubs, cashed the king of hearts and led the ten of diamonds, discarding his losing club. West won with the knave of diamonds and reverted to clubs, declarer ruffing. A trump to the nine provided the entry to dummy, in the process picking up the last of the defenders’ trumps. The nine of diamonds was led to West’s ace, setting up dummy’s eight for South’s 10th trick as he discarded a spade from hand. Declarer trumped West’s club exit, crossed to dummy with the jack of trumps, and cashed the good eight of diamonds, discarding the queen of spades from hand.

Go to the top of the class if you worked out that declarer had to concede only three diamond tricks to fulfill his contract.

2013 Tribune Media Services