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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Neither vulnerable. North deals.


xA 7 4

u6 3

v8 2

wA Q J 9 5 2


xJ 9 6 2 x10 8 5

u8 5 uK Q J 10 7 2

vA 9 5 3 v6 4

w8 7 4 wK 3


xK Q 3

uA 9 4

vK Q J 10 7

w10 6

The bidding:


1w1u 2v Pass

3w Pass 3NT Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Eight of u

The language of the defense is in signals — but the enemy could have your line tapped.

The bidding was straightforward enough. Rather than attempt an 11-trick contract at five clubs, South tried three no trump and everyone was happy with the contract.

West led a heart — his partner’s suit. East followed with the king to the first trick, which was allowed to hold, as was his continuation with the ten. To the third round of the suit East led the two, strengthening the suggestion that the lowest of the remaining suits was where the defender’s entry lay.

However, South was also aware of what was going on. With only five fast tricks available, one of the minors would have to be developed for the extra four tricks, and both offered the chance for that. There was no room for error — if East could gain the lead, the contract was doomed.

East was known as a pillar of the community, so declarer had ample reason to believe that defender’s signals. If that were so, then a pure guess became a sure thing — unless, of course, East held both the king of clubs and ace of diamonds

Spurning the finesse, declarer immediately went for forcing out the ace of diamonds. West won and shifted to a club, but declarer rose with the ace and cashed out nine tricks — three spades, one heart, four diamonds and one club.

2013 Tribune Media Services